still accurate. We released a video which shared a look at the HUSLVERSE in development a few days ago.

29 Jun 2022, 04:41
No...still accurate. We released a video which shared a look at the HUSLVERSE in development a few days ago... and announced the go-live date for applying for early access this August. We will continue to update the community with updates to our development progress and hope to have the 2H roadmap published to our site within 2 weeks. It's important to the team that we are very realistic and conservative about the timeline. For example, in 1H our adherence to our roadmap timeline was impacted by war in Ukraine and our need to relocate several of our key dev team members. Despite being beyond our caused us to react and adapt. As a result, we are actively working and vigilant to ensure that we put forth attainable roadmap milestones that our devs can reasonably achieve and our community can depend upon regardless of external uncertainties that may arise in the future. We continue to thank our devoted community for your support though these turbulent times for the Web 3 ecosystem and stay committed to building through all conditions.